005: Transformational Lessons from My Spiritual Awakening
In this episode, we dive deep into my spiritual awakening, and I share moments I have never publicly talked about. I share how my awakening happened, the pain I went through and what it taught me, and a few of the miracles that came from deeply trusting. I believe by hearing the stories of others, we are get to new heights faster, and avoid repeating the mistakes of others. If you are on the spiritual path, this episode is for you.
- The Call to Asia: Rita recalls the moment when she felt a strong calling to move to Asia despite having limited funds and no concrete plan. She emphasizes the importance of following one's intuition even when it's challenging.
- Trusting Inner Guidance: Rita discusses her experience of trusting her inner guidance, despite facing obstacles like a car accident and health issues. She shares how unexpected blessings and support emerged when she decided to follow her soul's calling.
- Leveraging Leverage: Rita explains the concept of leverage in her life journey. She highlights the importance of knowing your worth and being clear about your goals, even when facing uncertainty.
- Corporate America and Spiritual Awakening: Rita discusses her return to corporate America after her Asia trip and how it led to another spiritual awakening. She shares her belief that challenging experiences prepare us to support and guide others.
- The Unpredictable Path of Spiritual Awakening: Rita encourages listeners to embrace the unpredictability of their spiritual journeys. She emphasizes that every awakening is unique and personal.
- Learning from Others' Experiences: Rita acknowledges that we can learn from the experiences of others, even if we don't want to replicate their challenges. Teachers and guides play a crucial role in sharing their wisdom.
- Conclusion: Rita concludes the episode by reminding listeners that they never truly know where the universe is leading them. She encourages them to trust their intuition and enjoy the adventure of their spiritual awakening journey.
Rita's Current Offerings:
Website: www.ritaellenmirchandani.com
Instagram: @ritaellenmirchandani
Interested in a Spiritual Retreat? I will be hosting one this December 7-13, in Peru.
Learn more here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/645cee55351bfdf1ecd9d0cd
Interested in learning how to Read the Akashic Records? The Waitlist for Akashic Journey is now open! Sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/645cee55351bfdf1ecd9d0cd
Note: The content provided in "The Rita Ellen Mirchandani Show" and any related materials, including but not limited to show notes, transcripts, and audio recordings, are for informational and educational purposes only. The information shared in this podcast is not intended to substitute or replace professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.