Welcome To

The Akashic Records

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What Are The Akashic Records?


The Akashic Records are believed to be a vast, cosmic library of knowledge that contains the collective wisdom and experiences of every soul that has ever existed. If you Google 'Akashic Records,' you will likely find that it is said to hold information about the past, present, and future of all existence.

In my perspective, I like to refer to the Akashic Records as our 'soul communication.' I see them as a tool for individuals to connect deeply with our souls and to receive information that can profoundly change and transform our everyday lives.

When we consciously connect to the Akashic, we connect with an awareness that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves and open ourselves to answers that can provide a more aligned, loving, and conscious existence.

Meet Yourself.

Many who enter the Akashic describe it as a sensation they've always recognized but never truly encountered. It often resembles feelings of joy or peace, offering beautiful sensations, yet they are distinct. Once you step into the Akashic, something within you undergoes a transformation.


Akashic Journey

Learn How to Read Your Own Akashic Records

Discover how to detach from the surrounding distractions and attune yourself to the inner workings of your mind, body, and soul. We'll teach you how to:

  • Connect with your spirit team, ancestors, and beyond.
  • Understand, integrate, and communicate with your own Oversoul.
  • Consciously comprehend lifelong patterns and learn how to work with them lovingly.
  • Learn about soul contracts, and how to access your Akashic Records via writing.

The remembrance starts... now.

Learn How To Access Your Akashic Records In Two Ways.

Discover how to establish an intuitive connection with your Akashic Records and how to engage with them through through writing.

Meet Your Spirit-Team Including Your Starseed Family.

Learn how to tap into your wisdom and connect with your own Spirit Team. Discover the profound insights that await as you explore the bonds with your Starseed Family, embarking on a cosmic adventure of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Learn About Your Soul Purpose & Soul Contracts.

Wondered why certain patterns persist in your life? This may empower you into change.

Study Past Lives & Future Lives.

In the Akashic Records, we believe everything is happening in the "now." Through understanding the past, we may be able to heal our present.

Become Clear On Your Energetic Boundaries.

Learn your boundaries, and how to embody them.

Cultivate Self-Trust.

Before launching this course, we offered previous students the opportunity to take part in a survey regarding their experience. 100% of respondents indicated that learning how to read their Akashic Records resulted in a "significant boost in self-trust" and described it as "life-changing."



Akashic Journey is a pre-recorded course designed to deliver content gradually over a 5-week period, providing you with ample time to integrate and delve deeply into your practice.

We encourage you not to rush this process; it's an essential part of the magic.

For those seeking more support, please reach out to our team [email protected] to book a session or learn about additional options.


In 2016, I had a rapid and spontaneous awakening. Prior to this, I avoided anything related to my intuition and spirituality at all costs. I was vastly afraid of what I might find.

Now I know, that uncovering my inner being and Akashic Records changed my life.

In the start of 2020, my job disappeared (along with a lot of worlds), and I booked an Akashic Record Reading for myself. During this reading, the woman asked me, "Are you reading the records?"

I did not know what they were really.

But she insisted, "Try it... your soul is calling..."

That same week, I opened my own records and then began offering free sessions to see what happened.

My entire life shifted and became focused on the Akashic after this moment. The moment I opened my Akashic Records, my life changed.

Akashic course is built upon this belief: I think the world would be a better place if everyone knew how to read the records for themselves.

I am a byproduct of this belief, and so are my students.

We are not all meant to read the records for others, but what if we could deeply understand ourselves? Our world? How we show up in it?

I believe healing starts within, and my offering is this: welcome. I hope this course takes you somewhere new, bright, and beyond what you or I could ever have imagined.

I wish you the best and honor your path and where it takes you. Namaste.

"I got so much more out of it than I could've ever imagined. Learning how to read and embody the Akashic Records from Rita has been so transformative and life changing. I don't even recognize the me before this program in the best ways possible. I'm so grateful to have learned from her."

Nalee H.

"The Akashic Records is one way to tune into the wisdom of our soul & the collective soul, and personally it has proven every time to move me more & more into alignment with my soul’s most joyous and resonant path. I never would have used the word psychic to describe myself, but my experiences have undeniably proven to me that intuition and discernment is an innate muscle to strengthen & grow into.  The value of this potent opening is immeasurable and can be applied to any area of my life"

Kimberly E.



Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life? Like there was something you were meant to find, but you didn't know what it is?

I won't pretend to you and tell you that it is the Akashic Records. What I can tell you is that for many, it is.

Almost every person I meet who has had a reading with me says, "I don't know why I felt called to do it... I just did."

I felt this way before I had my first reading, as well.

The Akashic Records find us when we are ready. One day, it simply feels right.

There are many modalities out there that can aid us on our journey. We get to choose.

For a moment, ask yourself, do you feel drawn to them? Do you feel drawn to learning from me?

I can't give you something that you aren't already connected to. I can only teach what I've learned to hopefully aid you without you having to learn every mistake that I learned.


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



Our top choice course.

  • 5 Weeks of New Modules that drip out each week.
  • Access to this course at your own pace.
  • Journal Prompts + Learnings on How to Read The Akashic Records
  • Deep Meditations that can be used daily to connect to the Akashic Records
  • Support to advance your practice and connection.


Please note: this course is meant to teach you how to Read Your Own Akashic Records. It is not here to teach you how to read for others. There are other courses for this.